Healthy Lifestyle Tips

December 17, 2015 by  
Filed under Health

Commitments to take control of our lives are often sparked by some special occasion or change in season. Preparing for summer, facing ourselves in the mirror with a bathing suit and pale complexion, that is enough to ignite a temporary transformation.

Building a healthy lifestyle is a cornerstone to living a full life. Living a healthy lifestyle is more than just cutting calories to lose weight or taking the stairs. A healthy lifestyle is one based on maintaining physical, social and spiritual well being.

We all know that a healthy lifestyle plays a crucial role in achieving and maintaining good health and the fact that the health and fitness industries are making billions every year goes a long way in highlighting the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

Now let’s look at simple benefits of a healthy lifestyle – Reduced health care costs, reduced illness and injuries, reduced doctors visit, Keeps you employed and improved employee/employer relations,Weight reduction, reduced tension and stress, improved well-being, Enhanced self-image and self-esteem and improved physical function,reduce the risk of heart disease,help avoid bariatric surgery, and co-morbidities such as asthma, hypertension, and diabetes.

Living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be hard. It just takes the motivation to change our bad habits into good, healthy ones. Below is a list of healthy lifestyle tips to get you started. Once you start, you can come up with more healthy choices that work for you.

– Recognize that a permanent change is necessary, is achievable, but will take commitment, and you need to do what ever it takes to achieve it. Take the time to find the proper resources to make changes that will give you lasting win-win results.

– Eating healthy is very important to living a healthy lifestyle, because your diet is what fuels your life. If you are constantly eating junk food and drinking alcohol, then you are causing physical damage to your body.

– Exercise is essential to being healthy. Try to get your heart rate up at least once every day and also fit in some strength exercises. I don’t mean for you to go out and get all the latest exercise equipment and weight sets. Use your own body weight for exercise through push ups, squats, and pull ups.If you enjoy a good work out then join a gym if not there are various other ways to get some good passive exercises like walking up and down step or join a hiking club or nature club.

– quit all those nasty unhealthy habits. Smoking, drinking, drugs, chewing tobacco, whatever your vice may be quit now. You are in charge of your health and living a healthier lifestyle means getting rid of the things that may kill you.

– Maintaining a Body Mass Index between 18.5 and 30 kg/m (Note: a person 5’8″ weighing 197 pounds would have BMI of 30. Have your physician check yours).

-Take a break. It is not what you do once in a while, it’s what you do all the time. For example – give yourself one day a week to eat out at your favorite restaurant and have dessert or take a day off from exercise.

– Take time out for yourself. Laugh loud, laugh often. Too much stress can kill you, and it makes you a bummer to be around. Stress can weaken your immune system, so smile and have fun when you can. All work and no play, makes a sick, tired person no one wants to be around. Relax on the weekends, take vacations, and take care of yourself first and foremost.

– Every morning should start off with a glass of water and a daily vitamin. Also, if you’re suffering from a certain ailment or illness, you should be taking an herb for that every day. Find out what you can take for it through the ” herbs for list ” on the website or research it on your own.

Creating a healthy lifestyle is a novel goal. It is worth making a daily effort to get the changes in place. For many of us, cleansing is a great start to a healthy lifestyle. Cleansing can help you by eliminating chemicals, changing food attitudes and learning to make healthy food choices.


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